Friday, September 29, 2006


> well team, today I made it to belize after my sickness delay. I went

> to Tikal yesterday and saw the pyramids that are really awesome and

> surrounded by jungle, and yes indeed the top of templo 4 is Yavin 4

> from star wars. it still looks exactly as it did when filmed 30 years

> ago for that. apparently there was a survivor:guatemala last year at

> a nearby temple as well.


> belize... well, its' awesome!


> everyone is like the coolest neighbor you ever had. super friendly,

> there is a group of folks playing drums on the street right now...

> why... no reason. the food is actually good. the language is

> english... holy shit, I can actually TALK to people here@!!!! (THAT

> IS more of a shortcoming of mine than of guatemalas though). I'm

> really glad to be here and looking forward to seeing some sights...

> like a mayan sacrificial cave where tere are skulls and entire

> skeletons 1000 years old waiting to be seen....


> kick ass.


> how are all of you? Especially those I haven't heard from (dad, hint

> hint, rachel, hint hint), fill me in! :)


> Craigo


> --

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